Looking for a basic itinerary to get started? We've outlined a basic 3-day itinerary below, but we invite you to contact Tourism Thunder Bay for assistance creating a custom itinerary.
Day 1
- Fly in on a morning flight from Toronto. Grab a coffee from a local roaster and hit the road.
- Travel to the Terry Fox Monument. Visit the monument to pay your respects to the inspirational young Canadian who lost his leg and later his life to cancer. Terry was forced to end his Marathon of Hope cross-Canada fundraising run just outside of Thunder Bay, not far from where the monument stands today. Have your camera ready.
- Back on the Trans-Canada, it's just a short drive to Amethyst Country. Visit one of the areas open pit mines to pick your own gems.
- Continue East to Ouimet Canyon. There is a short trail to two viewing pods suspended above the canyon. Learn about the geological origins of the canyon and the arctic vegetation that grows at its floor.
- As you head back towards Thunder Bay, detour down Highway 587 to Sleeping Giant Provincial Park. Follow the signs to the Thunder Bay Lookout. This lookout is accessible by car and offers a spectacular view of Lake Superior and Thunder Bay.
- Return to Thunder Bay, refresh at the hotel and head out to the Waterfront District to choose from dozens of delicious restaurants.
Day 2
- Breakfast at the famous Hoito restaurant. Discover the city's Finnish heritage while you enjoy a hearty breakfast of Finnish pancakes.
- Head south, just past the airport to Fort William First Nation. Here you will find Anemkii Wajiw (Mount McKay) and the scenic lookout and its incredible views of Lake Superior, the Sleeping Giant and the city of Thunder Bay
- Back onto Highway 61, travel down Broadway Ave to Fort William Historical Park. Step back in time to 1816 as you enter the gates to this fully accurate replica of the original fur trade post of Fort William. Speak to voyageurs, and indigenous traders. Paddle a birch bark canoe and fire a musket.
- Back to the present day, follow Highway 130 to the community of Kakabeka Falls. Here you will find a number of restaurants and shops. Park the car and wander around; grab some lunch.
- When you're ready to keep exploring, jump back in the car and head just a minute down the highway to Kakabeka Falls Provincial Park. Here you will find the Niagara of the North. Witness the power of nature as the Kaministiquia River plunges 40m. There is access to 3 viewing pods overlooking the falls.
- Return to Thunder Bay for dinner
- End the evening with a traditional Finnish Sauna
Day 3
- Find a Persian. This Unique-to-Thunder Bay treat is a must-do while in the city. Cinnamon roll meets yeast donut, topped with a thick, sweet, pink icing.
- Wander back to the water and climb aboard a sailboat for an epic Lake Superior harbour cruise. Learn more about the city's industrial and maritime history as you get up close to ocean-bound ships and grain elevators
- Grab one last lunch at one of the many restaurants in the area
- Return to the airport for a late afternoon/early evening flight to Toronto.
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